The 2016 CBMD facility accreditation fee is $2,000 for each DXA unit and can be paid either online or by mailing a cheque. This fee, which must be paid in full along with this completed notice of intent, release and registration form, includes the costs of the application review and the initial medical physicist’s visit (but does not include the physicist’s travel costs), as well as processing the CBMD Facility Accreditation application and the CBMD-approved Certificate. Once the notice of intent to participate form (which must be signed by the site contact physician) and application fee have been processed, participants will be given access to the online application. The cost of each anniversary review is $400 and will be paid by the site directly to the CBMD approved medical physicist along with any related disbursements.

CBMD Facility Accreditation is for five (5) years. The price of CBMD Facility Accreditation is subject to change without notice to cover the costs of delivering the CBMD service on a non-profit

CBMD Account Creation
Email Address:
Confirm Password:
Number of DXA sites: x $2000
Contact Information  
First Name
Last Name
Address 2
Postal Code
Hospital / Clinic
Payment Method

Please select your method of payment

Credit Card Cheque
Same as Contact
Billing Address:
Billing Address 2:
Billing City:
Billing Province:
Billing Postal Code:
Billing Country:

Name on Card:
Card Number:
Exp. Month/Year /

By clicking on the button below your credit card will be charged $
Cheques should be mailed to the OAR office as follows:

Ontario Association of Radiologists
CBMD Facility Accreditation Registration
245 Lakeshore Road East
Oakville, Ontario
L6J 1H9

Note: After paying by cheque your account will remain locked until your payment has been received.

The amount on the cheque must be $ per DXA.