CBMD Report Builder
CBMD Report Builder Training Video Now Available!
The CBMD Report Builder Program was developed as a tool to teach participants how to apply the “OAR Canadian Bone Mineral Densitometry Reporting Standard” to produce consistent BMD reports. Key tools within this program, the T-Score Converter for Lunar, the T-Score Converter for Hologic and the Interactive Graph. Apps for these tools, for both iPhone and Android devices, are available on the Apple Store and the Google Play Store.
Watch CBMD Report Builder Training Video Here
Special Course Features:
- Each of the speakers in the Workstation Case Review Sessions will be working with participants using the OAR CBMD reporting standard (on their individual workstations) to build reports using the “Report Builder Program” developed specifically for the CBMD physician courses based on the OAR CBMD Report Standard.
- Case studies will emphasize the CAROC 2010 criteria for the determination of the 10-year absolute fracture risk. The case studies will use the “Canadian Association of Radiologists Technical Standards for Bone Mineral Densitometry Reporting”, Siminolski et al, CARJ 64 (2013) 281-294 to address a wide range of clinical situations.
- Emphasis will also be placed on the appropriate use of NHANES III white female database for fracture risk determination.
- Participants will learn the critical importance of accreditation to facilitate BMD reports that are accurate, easier to read and understand, and which provide the referring physicians with a better understanding of the patient’s bone health.