OAR News
Latest OAR & DI News
In a rapidly changing environment, the timely communication of news that affects the delivery of radiology is critical to ensuring that radiologists, referring physicians and their mutual patients are kept abreast on facts and developments affecting diagnostic imaging as they occur.
The OAR employs a combination of news vehicles ranging from a newsletter to email broadcast flashes and the posting of key information on our website to share information and breaking news across our province. This news ensures that radiologists and members of the public can find authoritative and reliable information that is well researched and easily readable.

Federal Government to Provide Forgivable Loans
This program will lower rent by 75% for small businesses

In Memoriam – Anne Parsons, OAR CME & CBMD Program Director
Anne was a very special person who touched many colleagues.

OAR Message to Ontario Radiologists regarding OMA’s MSPC Decisions
MSPC Process Misleads Radiologists.