Other DI CME Events
University of Toronto - Organ Imaging Review
October 13 - 15, 2017 | Sheraton Centre, Toronto
You can now view the agenda for the 32nd Annual Organ Imaging Review. Register now and start planning your time with us!
This is a practical radiology review program highlighting updates and advances in diagnostic imaging in various modalities through didactic and interactive case based review sessions.
Highlights of this 3-day program include the following sessions:
- Abdominal and Pelvic Imaging
- Cardiothoracic Imaging
- Musculoskeletal Imaging
- Neuroradiology
Visit the conference website for more details, including registration and fee information.
University of British Columbia - Vancouver Imaging Review: Head to Toe
October 12 - 15, 2017 | Rosewater Hotel, Vancouver
Keynote Speakers: Dr. Paul Chang, Dr. Dominik Fleischmann, Dr. Christine Glastonbury, Dr. Paula Gordon, Dr. Jonathon Leipsic, Dr. Nestor Müller, Dr. Donald L. Resnick
For more information and to register Click Here:
Leadership in Radiology – Optimizing Your Practice’s Efficiency
April 18 – 19, 2017 | Montreal, Quebec
For more information, click here.
The curriculum will teach concepts that can be applied to common radiology problems such as optimization of staff productivity, improved utilization of limited equipment and how best to expand services. This workshop will include lectures and an extended focus on interactive and small group learning activities. This course has been co-developed by the Canadian Radiology leaders and UBC Sauder School of Business to teach business principles that are applicable to small and large problems pertinent to current challenges in Canadian radiology departments.
CAR Advanced Cardiac Life Support for Radiologists (ACLS-r)
April 18 – 19, 2017 | Montreal, Quebec
For more information, click here.
Registration closes March 10.
Designed by radiologists for radiologists, ACLS-r is a unique and highly sought-after simulation workshop offering radiologists the opportunity to improve their practical skills when dealing with patients who suffer cardiac or cardiopulmonary arrest during a radiological exam.
In addition, we would be most grateful if you were able to share the event flyers through your organization’s website, intranet, social media sites, via email and/or posted on a billboard (electronic or other):
CAR 80th Annual Scientific Meeting | Radiology Care: A Value-Driven Approach
April 20 - 23, 2017 | Montreal, Quebec
For more information, click here.
Early bird rates are in effect until March 7.
Articulated around the complementary notions of efficacy and appropriateness, and the role of the radiologist in times of rapid technological advances, the dynamic and timely scientific program features brand new tracks and past favorites, including an innovative simulation workshop, HRCT of the Chest and an expanded resident track