Archived CME
OAR Member Benefit: View Archived CME Courses
The introduction of live webcast is the latest evolution of OAR CME programming. All programs with exception of workstation courses are offered as live webcasts. All CMEs are recorded and archived following the event. Access to the archived version is provided within a week or two following the event to every course registrant for the live, in-person event and the live webcast. This offers registrants the opportunity to review lectures at their leisure, or watch those that they may have missed during the course of the event.
The archived versions are available in two formats, the full day of lectures, and/or individual lectures. The OAR archives all CME programming and is in the process of creating a library of past CME events that will be accessible through this website. All OAR Members can access archived CME Courses.
Please contact the OAR if you would like access to Archived Webcast CME courses.