Membership Services
Become a Member
The Ontario Association of Radiologists invite you to join the 1,000 members who are dedicated to shaping the future of radiology. At every stage of your career – from residency through to retirement – the OAR works to expand your opportunities and safeguard your future. These challenges for the profession are complex and OAR members’ needs are diverse. To best represent radiology, the OAR works closely with many other health care stakeholders upholding radiology’s position in a rapidly changing health care environment.
There is no other organization that represents your special niche interests. Your financial support is critical in order to continue to ensure that your profession is protected and your voice is heard. As major changes continue to occur in Ontario’s medical and political landscape, we are, and will be, fully engaged on behalf of our specialty and the patients we collectively serve. Membership provides access to the following value-added products and services:
Professional Practice Support
- OHIP Billing Code Clarifications
- Radiology Fee Code Analysis
- OAR Tariff Advisory Committee to give expert advice on billing information/clarification and creating new fee codes
- Human Resources Advice
- Clinical Practice Information
- Sample Hospital Radiology Contracts
- Professional Incorporation
- Radiology Partnerships
IHF Practice Support
- Best Practice Advice for IHF operations
- Medical Review Committee Preparedness
- Expert Advice on:
- Equipment Purchase
- Service Contracts
- Overhead Costs
- Clinic Valuations Advice
- IHF Issues i.e. Transferring Licenses, Adding Modalities, Purchasing Clinics and Closing Clinics
- Advice on CPSO Clinic Assessment and XRIS Inspections
- Information on Quality Assurance
- Role of Radiation Protection Officer
Government Relations on Patient Care
- Political Activism and Advocacy for Radiology/Patient Care Issues
- Providing Reports, Briefs and Correspondence to Premier’s Office, Minister of Health, Cabinet Members, MPPs and Ministry staff
- Building Issue Awareness i.e. Outdated Equipment Crisis
- Educating/Raising Awareness of MPPs and Ministry staff
- Providing Policy Development Advice including public reports
- Raising quality, appropriateness and patient safety issues
- Importance of Radiology
- OAR DI SCAN newsletter
- Regular fax broadcasts and email updates on political, medical and clinical issues
- Advancing radiology issues at Queen’s Park, OMA and MOH
- OAR Classifieds
- OAR Website
- Regional Meetings to update members on issues
- OAR social media channels (Twitter, LinkedIn & Youtube)
Public Relations
- Province-wide awareness campaigns about radiology issues
- Raising awareness of the government health care system changes and OMA governance issues
- Building alliances with other Health Care Organizations/Providers
Continuing Medical Education
- Offer several high quality CME programs on a diverse range of DI topics with Level 1+3 credits
- CME for radiologists and technologists
- Provide discounted CME for OAR members
- Access all archived CME’s, including webinars
- On-site and webcast CME for most events
- Involvement of Ontario teaching hospital physician faculty
- Keynote speakers from major US and Canadian centers
OAR CME Webcast Database
- The first and largest radiology CME database in Canada
- Free access to all OAR members, residents and fellows
- All videos are backed to OAR server; the previous use of OBA archive proved unreliable despite previous commitments
- All videos are hosted on Vimeo and played on OAR members-Only page
- Once members are logged in they can view videos seamlessly
- Over 500+ OAR CME lectures.
- Users have the ability to search by year, modality, speaker and DI keyword search. Over 10k keywords.
- To promote effective venues communications between radiologists, patients and other healthcare providers
- Align radiologic practice to serve patients' best interests
- Becoming a board member
- Facilitate CME Course Directors/speakers opportunities
- Become involved in OAR committes on hot button issues
- STATdx licences for the exclusive use of paid OAR members
- Instant access to more than 200,000 radiological images; 20,000 patient cases; 4,000 diagnoses; 1,300 expert differential diagnoses; 40,000 live references; and 300 imaging anatomy modules covering every area of radiology.
- Quick access to pertinent knowledge from radiologist experts on every topic
- Immediate assistance to research information on complex cases
- Provide value-added assistance to your reports
- View the power of STATdx, watch a case here
- e-Anatomy is a major value-added service for Ontario OAR members
- It is the most complete reference of human anatomy available on web, iPad, iPhone and android devices
- Explore over 5400 anatomic structures and more than 375 000 translated medical labels. Images in: CT, MRI, Radiographs, Anatomic diagrams and nuclear images
- Not only does this tool cover most anatomical structures, but also each module provides comprehensive details by dividing the image into layers and providing labels for each body part and color coordinating areas of interest to the user
- Available in 8 languages.
Radiology Crisis Management Support
- Responding to announcements attacking the public’s access to radiology services
- Communicating about new government announcements threatening delivery of DI
- Providing advice and availability to speak and meet with radiologists and groups facing challenges
- Providing plans and strategies to deal with external incursions
Hospital Practice Support
- Organising practice surveys on key issues of interest
- Provision of support and information on hospital contracts, billing issues, Public Hospitals Act matters and a wide range of quality assurance initiatives
- Fee code interpretations
- Advice to Radiology Chiefs
Join the OAR Today
DI Residents & Fellows Membership
Download Registration
The OAR offers free memberships to DI Residents, Fellows and graduating radiologists in their first year of practice.