CBMD Online Accreditation Program
Welcome to the CBMD Online Accreditation Program – Dr. David Lyons, Chair OAR CBMD Facility Accreditation Program
“The OAR CBMD Facility Accreditation Program continues to evolve to ensure that accredited sites provide the highest standard of BMD services in Canada.”
The OAR's Canadian Bone Mineral Densitometry (CBMD) Facility Accreditation is recognized as the "Gold Standard" of BMD Accreditation for Ontario hospitals and clinics providing BMD services to Ontario patients at risk of the debilitating effects of bone loss and osteoporosis. Accreditation signifies to the public that the facility BMD equipment, BMD technologists and the services they provide, and the physicians reporting DXA scan results have met the rigorous standards set by the CBMD Program.
Every Ontario facility providing BMD services is encouraged to seek CBMD Facility Accreditation. The benefits to facilities begin with the commitment to a standard of excellence for BMD testing to ensure optimum patient care.
The OAR CBMD Facility Accreditation Program continues to evolve to ensure that accredited sites provide the highest standard of BMD services in Canada. It also continues to recognize DXA scanning as an area of imaging requiring additional ongoing investment in QA/QC to further the diagnostic needs of patients.
Benefits of the New Online CBMD Facility Accreditation Program
- Reassures the public and referring physicians that the delivery of BMD services meet the highest quality standards
- Optimises the appropriate use of BMD services in our publicly funded health care system
- Commits to a Standard of Excellence for BMD testing to ensure optimum patient care
- The CBMD Facility Accreditation program ensure that the highest national standards are met, or exceeded
- Five year accreditation period
- Uses the CAR's 2013 Technical Standards for Bone Mineral Densitometry Reporting
- Mandatory involvement of medical physicists
- Provides new and improved resource tools: positioning manuals, training videos
- Continually evolving OAR CBMD education programs for both reading physicians and medical radiation technologists
- Accredited Densitometry Technologist (ADT) examination and designation for Medical Radiation Technologists
BMD Tools
- Download the Bone Densitometry Precision Calculator - Click Here
- Download the Bone Densitometry Precision Calculator SAMPLE - Click Here
- Download the BMD Shewart Test Tool - Click Here
- Download the NHANES III Male to Female conversion Tool - Click Here
OAR Canadian Bone Mineral Densitometry (CBMD) Facility Accreditation Program Approvals!
Congratulations to the following Ontario Independent Health Facilities (IHFs) and Hospitals that have earned their 5-year OAR CBMD Facility Accreditation
- Chaleur Regional Hospital- Bathurst, NB
- Deep River and District Hospital - Deep River, ON
- Dixie X-ray Vaughn - Woodbridge, ON
- Dixie X-ray Highpoint – Mississauga, ON
- Dixie X-ray – Oakdale Site - North York, ON
- Downsview Xray and Ultrasound - North York, ON
- Grand River Hospital, Kitchener, ON
- Greater Niagara General Hospital, Niagara Falls, ON
- Headwaters Health Care Centre, Orangeville, ON
- Keswick Advanced Imaging – Keswick, ON
- Kingston Imaging Services/ formerly MIC Kingston – Kingston, ON
- Lennox & Addington County General Hospital - Napanee, ON
- Lighthouse Medical Imaging - Fairview, Toronto, ON
- Lighthouse Medical Imaging - Finch, Scarborough, ON
- Merivale Medical Imaging - Unit 1 – Ottawa, ON
- Merivale Medical Imaging - Unit 2 – Ottawa, ON
- Oakdale Radiology - North York, ON
- ORMDI Inc. - Oak Ridges Medical Diagnostic Imaging, Richmond Hill, ON
- Oxford Medical Imaging - The Boardwalk – Waterloo, ON
- Palmerston District Hospital - BMD - Palmerston, ON
- Port Perry Imaging, Port Perry, ON
- Quantum Medical Imaging Services, Inc. - BMD1 - Scarborough, ON
- Quantum Medical Imaging Services, Inc. - BMD2 - Scarborough, ON
- Queensway Health Centre - Etobicoke, ON
- SickKids – Toronto, ON
- South Bruce Grey Health Centre - Kincardine, ON
- St Thomas Elgin General Hospital - St Thomas, ON
- St. Joseph's Health Centre – Toronto, ON
- The Toronto Centre for Medical Imaging, Toronto, ON
- Toronto Vascular Ultrasound – Toronto, ON
- Trillium Health Partners-Credit Valley Hospital - Mississauga, ON
- True North Imaging-Waterloo X-ray & Ultrasound - Waterloo, ON
- Winchester District Memorial Hospital- Winchester, ON
- Vaughan Clinic | Dixie Xray Associates – Vaughan, ON