Harnick & Stolberg Funds
Harald Stolberg Radiology Excellence Fund Application Request. Investing in the next generation of radiologists
One example of the OAR’s commitment to promoting future generations of radiologists is through the Lou Harnick & Harold Stolberg funds. In June, 2007, the Ontario Association of Radiologists launched the Harald Stolberg Radiology Excellence Fund in memory of our late-distinguished colleague, one of Ontario’s greatest radiologists and winner of the Queen Elizabeth Golden Jubilee Award.
The OAR continues to perpetuate the memory of Dr. Stolberg by funding a bursary for a qualified radiology fellow(s) to travel outside Canada for fellowship training in areas of our specialty where there is no equivalent Canadian training program so that the selected radiology fellows can bring skills, knowledge and experience back to Canada and to their colleagues. The purpose is firstly to foster international relations in the radiology profession by providing contacts between Ontario radiologists at an early stage in their career an the international radiological community, and secondly to bring skills, knowledge and experience back to Ontario that can only be acquired abroad. The bursary will fulfill his advocacy for increased relationships among imaging professionals on an international level. Harald’s interest in the benefits of education as a way of improving understanding and developing strong relationships was an enduring characteristic throughout his life.
Funds raised for the Stolberg Radiology Excellence Fund will be held in sequestered account within the Ontario Association of Radiologists’ Lou Harnick Foundation. Receipts will be issued for donations as to a registered charity in accordance with the constitution of the Lou Harnick Foundation. If you have any questions, please contact the OAR office at 905-337-2680.
The OAR encourages senior year radiology fellows to submit applications to the Adjudication Committee, c/o Ontario Association of Radiologists for consideration. Download Application Form here.