Funding Cuts
Radiology Fee Cuts Put Ontario Patients at Risk
The Ontario Association of Radiologists (OAR), on behalf of the province’s 1,000 radiologists, remains gravely concerned and disappointed in the province’s unilateral move to cut an additional $235 million dollars from an already stressed health care system. According to an OMA analysis of the situation, radiology is facing a $100M fee reduction or 25% of the total reduction. The fact that Radiologists have been hit inordinately by this latest cut sends a confusing message as to what the government and the Ministry expect from the medical specialists doing the brunt of the medical imaging diagnoses for Ontario’s more than 13 million patients.
Since 2015, the Ontario Government has removedapproximately $100 million of radiology funding
Ontario’s population is on the rise and aging. Over 140,000 new patients require care in Ontario every year. Seniors represent 17% of the population and are heavily dependent on diagnostic imaging services
Radiology fee cuts have a harmful effect on patient care and safety. They undermine physicians’ ability to provide Ontarians with the highest standard of quality health care services
Government fee cuts impact the ability to deliver diagnostic imaging service. Radiology cuts will lead to an increase in wait lists, a greater inability to replace outdated equipment cover increased operating costs
Voice Your Opinion. Get Involved.
Contact Your MPP. Demand high quality patient care and stop the ongoing cuts to diagnostic imaging.
“Government imposed radiology fee cuts affects all Ontarians. As a cancer patient receiving treatment, I am worried that the quality of care will be compromised. The fee cuts will lead to increase wait lists, a greater inability to replace outdated equipment and cover increased operating costs.”

Radiology Saves Lives. The Radiologist’s role is central to patient care needs and disease management.
- Since 2014, the Ontario Government has removed approximately $100 million of radiology funding
- Ontario’s population is on the rise and aging. Over 140,000 new patients require care in Ontario every year. Seniors represent 17% of the population and are heavily dependent on diagnostic imaging services
- Radiology fee cuts have a harmful effect on patient care and safety. They undermine physicians’ ability to provide Ontarians with the highest standard of quality health care services.
- Government fee cuts impact the ability to deliver diagnostic imaging service.
- Radiology cuts will lead to an increase in wait lists, a greater inability to replace out-dated equipment and cover increased operating costs.
Patient Care Funding Cuts Questioned in Legislature:

Related News:
OAR letter to Dr. Hoskins Re: Government’s Fee Cuts. Learn More >
Government Imposes Additional Fee Cuts
Further funding cuts puts Ontarians at Risk. Learn More >
October 1, 2015 OHIP SOB Implemented
MSK and Scrotal Ultrasound Fees Amended to 20% Cut. All Radiology overhead funding cut again for a 5.45% reduction in one year. Learn More >