Monthly Archives June 2018
OAR Creates New Committees
Get Involved. Join New OAR Committees Today!The OAR is requesting interested radiologists to volunteer for one or more of the following OAR Committees. Radiologists are being sought to provide input and feedback. Meetings will be by teleconference and email exchange and held at key junctures, or as needed. The OAR office will provide support. Each committee will have a Chair from the OAR Board and will report their findings and recommendations to the OAR Board. Learn more
OAR Wants to Hire an MRT!
The OAR is seeking to hire an experienced MRTIdeal candidate attributes should include:
Strong understanding of DI
Excellent inter-personal and communications skills
About 10+ years of experience in DI
Highly organized, flexible and shows initiative
Works well with radiologists and technologists
Understands today's challenge in DI
Demonstrated responsibility experience
If this is not you, do you know someone with this background?
Learn more